What is The I Power Capsule in Pakistan

I Power Capsule in Pakistan:

Green World I-Power Capsule contains a combination of antioxidants in addition to blueberry anthocyanins, ginkgo extract, grape seed extract and lutein, which prevent the damage in retina caused by free radical attack. It improves eyesight, relieves eyestrain and prevents age-related macular degeneration. 

This product is made up of natural plant materials. It also rich in some vital minerals, anti-oxidants and vitamins fundamental for the eye. it was produced with high technology. It helps oxidation resistance of free radicals, protects eyes with many blood capillaries, prevent cataract, improves eyesight declination, relieves tiredness, glaucoma, dry eyes of students and computer users.

Attributes & Benefits Of I Power Capsule:

Improves circulation of retina and recover eyesight.
can eliminate the eye strain and increase eye power.
it can prevent cataract and protect the denaturalisation of yellow spot appearing with the ages.
it is effective on renovating the cornea, it can prevent night blindness (nyctalopia).


blueberry Extract, Ginkgo Extract, Lutein, Riboflavin, Taurine, Grape seed Extract, Vitamin A, zinc.

Recommended Use:

• For teenagers or adults who use eyes intensively and with eyestrains.

• For those who need to prevent damage of retina by UV rays due to prolonged outdoor activities or work.

• For the middle-aged and elderly with impaired eyesight.


  •  For adults: 2 capsules each time, once daily.
  •  For teenagers: 1 capsule each time, once daily.

Price in Pakistan:

I Power Capsule Price 5000- PKR

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What is The I Power Capsule in Pakistan What is The I Power Capsule in Pakistan Reviewed by Green World on 02:46 Rating: 5

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